Mentorship Project


We hope this mentoring agreement acts as a guide to set out clear expectations and ground rules for both the mentor and mentee and to clarify the mentorship relationship boundaries prior to any mentoring sessions taking place. 

If both parties feel it is necessary, it can be renegotiated by the mentor during (or even before) the relationship if in the best interests of the mentee.

For the Mentee

Mentoring (which is not consultancy, teaching, therapy, or counselling) might address specific personal/ professional development projects/ plans and is always based on mentee’s agenda.

Mentoring works better when you:

  • Accept that commitment must come from you before you can reap the benefit.
  • Are open and willing to consider change where this is necessary to aid your own development.
  • Are open to new ways of learning and working which might challenge your thoughts and ideas.
  • Are honest with your mentor and yourself, particularly if you do not feel that something is working for you.
  • Are ready to commit to your development by giving and receiving honest feedback.
  • Take full responsibility for all decisions and actions taken throughout mentorship relationship. 

For the Mentor

As your mentor I will endeavour to:

  • Hold your best interests, well-being, growth, goals, and agenda as the central focus of mentorship relationships
  • Support and encourage you while you develop to your full potential.
  • Maintain high level of integrity and trustworthiness
  • Be open, objective, and non-judgemental
  • Enable you to set and work towards your own goals and achievements.
  • Ask you questions that might challenge your ideas and thoughts as you progress and develop.
  • Discuss and resolve any conflict of interest with mentee’s best interest in mind 
  • Advise you if the content of the discussion is outside the boundaries of the mentorship relationship and offer the appropriate referrals and signpost depending on the specific situation


As a mentor, I will always observe confidentiality, including the content and nature of our discussions. However, in keeping with GMC professional guidance, confidentiality may need to be compromised if there is a risk or potential risk, as follows:

  • Where there is unacceptable risk to people and/or services
  • Where there is a breach, or potential breach, of law or contract.
  • Where the mentor and mentee agree that the issues raised cannot be appropriately managed or dealt with through a mentoring relationship.

As a mentee, however, you may decide that you wish to share your experiences with others, if you feel this is appropriate. It is important to remember, however, that your experiences are personal to you, and you should consider the impact your values and beliefs may have on others by the sharing of such information.


As a mentor I would appreciate feedback on how well the sessions are meeting your needs. This is an opportunity for me to learn and develop with you. At the same time, this is your opportunity to be honest about how you feel the sessions are assisting you to reach your goals and potential.


I confirm that all records and feedback sheets will be kept confidential and secure during the mentoring sessions and that, at the end of the mentoring relationship, these records will be destroyed confidentially.


In the event you wish to change a session, for whatever reason, I request at least 24 hours’ notice (except in an emergency) and, unless you have notified me otherwise, I will assume you will be attending the session. 

Likewise, I will offer you the same courtesy of notice, should I need to change a session. 

Timing and Duration of Sessions

This mentoring agreement is not an open-ended contract. After our initial ‘getting to know each other’ session we agreed to meet every 3 months (this can be changed on mutual agreement), for 60-90 minutes duration session. 

This will continue for 1 year. I am also happy to take phone calls/video calls between sessions by mutual consent.

Agreement can be re-negotiated

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As an indication of your acceptance of this mentoring agreement and the terms mentioned within it, please sign and date below where appropriate and return this agreement to us