Clinical Knowledge Activities

Enhancing clinical knowledge for better practice


Imaging in Neonatal and Paediatric Emergencies


The session was about how to use imaging for emergencies involving new-borns and children. After the main presentation, the participants joined smaller groups in separate break-out rooms.

Led by:
Dr Inaam Abdel Hadi


Paediatric surgical emergencies

This was an interactive virtual session focused on the paediatric surgical emergencies.

Led by: Mr. Khalid Almalik

Poster link



Paediatric metabolic emergencies


The session focused on the common metabolic emergencies in children. The participants learned how to identify and treat these conditions through clinical cases. Then, they split into smaller groups to discuss different scenarios of emergencies.

Led by: Prof. Sarar Mohamed


Topics in Paediatric Emergencies
Cardiac arrhythmias, Blood gas analysis & ETAT


 The session covered paediatric emergencies related to heart rhythm disorders, analysis of blood gases, and emergency triage, assessment, and treatment.
Presented by:

Dr Brian McCrossan, Dr Osama Ali, and Prof. Ali Arabi

Poster link